== MergetoolWindowTitle == Plastic SCM Merge tool == FirstConflictButtonTooltip == Go to first conflict (Ctrl + Shift + -) == PrevConflictButtonTooltip == Previous conflict (Ctrl + -) == NextConflictButtonTooltip == Next conflict (Ctrl + +) == LastConflictButtonTooltip == Go to last conflict (Ctrl + Shift + +) == PrevNotAutomaticConflictButtonTooltip == Previous not automatic conflict (Ctrl + PageUp) == NextNotAutomaticConflictButtonTooltip == Next not automatic conflict (Ctrl + PageDown) == GtkPendingAutomaticConflictsLabel == {0}/{1} == GtkPendingNonAutomaticConflictsLabel == Pending non-automatic: {0}/{1} == PendingAutomaticConflictsLabel == Current conflict: {0} of {1} == PendingNonAutomaticConflictsLabel == Pending unsolved: {0} of {1} == NonAutomaticConflictsLabelTooltip == Current unsolved non-automatic conflict == CurrentConflictLabelTooltip == Current merge conflict == NonAutomaticConflictsNavigationTooltip == Navigate through the currently unsolved conflicts == AutomaticConflictsNavigationTooltip == Navigate through the merge conflicts == AutomaticConflictMarkup == Current conflict is automatic. No user intervention is required. == NonAutomaticConflictMarkup == Current conflict is non-automatic. Resolve it by clicking the buttons above, editing the result file or marking it as resolved. == NonAutomaticConflictMarkedAsResolvedMarkup == Current conflict is non-automatic, and it has been already resolved by the user. == MarkAsResolvedButton == Mark as resolved == MarkAsUnresolvedButton == Mark as unresolved == MergetoolUsageTitle == Mergetool usage == GtkMergetoolUsageHeader == Usage: gtkmergetool == MacMergetoolUsageHeader == Usage: macmergetool == MergetoolUsage == mergeOptions: [] [] [] [[] ] [] [] sourceFile: {-s | --source}= sourceSymbolicName: {-sn | --srcsymbolicname}= baseFile: {-b | --base}= baseSymbolicName: {-bn | --basesymbolicname}= destinationFile: {-d | --destination}=; destinationSymbolicName: {-dn | --dstsymbolicname}= autosave: -as | --autosave automatic: -a | --automatic silent: --silent resultFile: {-r | --result}= mergeType: {-m | --mergeresolutiontype}={onlyone | onlysrc | onlydst | try | forced} generalOptions: [] [] [] defaultEncoding: {-e | --defaultencoding}={none |ascii | unicode | bigendian | utf7 | utf8} resultEncoding: {-re | --resultencoding}={none |ascii | unicode | bigendian | utf7 | utf8} comparisonMethod: {-i | --ignore}={none | eol | whitespaces | ""eol&whitespaces""} remarks: -a | --automatic: Tries to resolve the merge automatically. If the merge can't be resolved automatically (requires user interaction), the merge tool is shown. --silent: This option must be used combined with the --automatic option. When a merge can't be resolved automatically, this option causes the tool to return immediately with a non-zero exit code (no merge tool is shown). If the tool was able to resolve the merge automatically, the program returns exit code 0. == WinMergetoolUsage == Usage: mergetool [ | ] diffOptions: [] mergeOptions: [] [[] [] ] [] [] baseFile: {-b | --base}= baseSymbolicName: {-bn | --basesymbolicname}= automatic: -a | --automatic silent: --silent resultFile: {-r | --result}= mergeType: {-m | --mergeresolutiontype}={onlyone | onlysrc | onlydst | try | forced} generalFiles: [] [] sourceFile: {-s | --source}= srcSymbolicName: {-sn | --srcsymbolicname}= destinationFile: {-d | --destination}= dstSymbolicName: {-dn | --dstsymbolicname}= generalOptions: [] [] [] [] defaultEncoding: {-e | --encoding}={none |ascii | unicode | bigendian | utf7 | utf8} comparisonMethod: {-i | --ignore}={none | eol | whitespaces | eol&whitespaces} fileType: {-t | --filestype}={text/csharp | text/XML | text} resultEncoding: {-re | --resultencoding}={none |ascii | unicode | bigendian | utf7 | utf8} progress: {--progress}=progress string indicating the current progress, for example: Merging file 1/8 extraInfoFile: {--extrainfofile}=path to a file that contains extra info about the merge Remarks: -a | --automatic: Tries to resolve the merge automatically. If the merge can't be resolved automatically (requires user interaction), the merge tool is shown. --silent: This option must be used combined with the --automatic option. When a merge can't be resolved automatically, this option causes the tool to return immediately with a non-zero exit code (no merge tool is shown). If the tool was able to resolve the merge automatically, the program returns exit code 0. Examples: mergetool mergetool -s=file1.txt -d=file2.txt mergetool -s=file1.txt -b=file0.txt --destination=file2.txt mergetool --base=file0.txt -d=file2.txt --source=file1.txt --automatic --result=result.txt mergetool -b=file0.txt -s=file1.txt -d=file2.txt -a -r=result.txt -e=utf7 -i=eol -t=text/csharp -m=onlyone == BrowseForSaveFileTitle == Save file == PendingUnsolvedConflicts == The file still has {0} unsolved conflicts. == FileChangedSinceSaved == The file has been changed since it was last saved. == SaveAndExitDialogButton == Save & exit == ExitWithoutSavingButton == Exit without saving == CloseButton == Close == OkButton == OK == CancelButton == Cancel == SourceHeaderButton == Select Source: '{0}' == SourceHeaderPressedButton == Deselect Source: '{0}' == SourceHeaderButtonTooltip == (Ctrl+1) == BaseHeaderButton == Select Base: '{0}' == BaseHeaderPressedButton == Deselect Base: '{0}' == BaseHeaderButtonTooltip == (Ctrl+2) == DestinationHeaderButton == Select Destination: '{0}' == DestinationHeaderPressedButton == Deselect Destination: '{0}' == DestinationHeaderButtonTooltip == (Ctrl+3) == ResultButton == Select Result == ResultPressedButton == Deselect Result == ResultButtonTooltip == (Ctrl+4) == SaveAndExitButton == Save & exit == SaveAndExitTooltip == Save result and close mergetool == SaveAsTooltip == Save result in a new file == SaveButton == Save == SaveButtonTooltip == Save changes (Ctrl+S) == SaveButtonTooltipWithCustomShortcut == Save changes ({0}) == SaveAsMenu == Save as... == MergeButton == Merge == KeepSrcMenu == Keep source contributor & exit == KeepBaseMenu == Keep base contributor & exit == KeepDstMenu == Keep destination contributor & exit == SrcNeeded == Source file name is needed == DstNeeded == Destination file name is needed == ResultNeeded == In automatic merge result file name is needed == AutomaticNeeded == In silent mode the automatic merge option is needed == FileTypeError == {0} isn't a valid file type for syntax highlight == CompMethodError == Invaild comparison method == ArgError == The specified arguments are not valid == SrcEncodingMenuTitle == Source encoding == DstEncodingMenuTitle == Destination encoding == BaseEncodingMenuTitle == Base encoding == ResultEncodingMenuTitle == Result encoding == SplitBlocksMenuTitle == Split conflict blocks == ComparisonMethodMenuTitle == Comparison method == RecognizeAll == Recognize all == IgnoreEol == Ignore EOLs == IgnoreWhitespace == Ignore whitespaces == IgnoreEolWhitespace == Ignore EOLs and whitespaces == EncodingDialogTitle == Select encoding == EncodingDialogDescription == Select a character encoding == EncodingDialogLabel == Encoding: == DefaultEncoding == Default encoding: == ResultEncoding == Result encoding: == NoneEncoding == NONE == AsciiEncoding == ASCII == UnicodeEncoding == Unicode == UnicodeBigEndianEncoding == Unicode Big-Endian == Utf7Encoding == UTF-7 == Utf8Encoding == UTF-8 == OtherEncoding == Other... == ChangeEncoding == Change... == Options == Options == FindButton == Find... == MatchCase == Match case == MergeResolutionOptionsTooltip == Merge resolution options == MergeOptionsTooltip == Display and calculation options == SyntaxHighlight == Syntax highlight == FirstDiffButtonTooltip == First difference == PrevDiffButtonTooltip == Previous difference == NextDiffButtonTooltip == Next difference == LastDiffButtonTooltip == Last difference == FirstDiffButtonTooltipWithShortcut == First difference (Ctrl + Shift + n) == PrevDiffButtonTooltipWithShortcut == Previous difference (Ctrl + n) == NextDiffButtonTooltipWithShortcut == Next difference (Ctrl + m) == LastDiffButtonTooltipWithShortcut == Last difference (Ctrl + Shift + m) == CurrentDifference == Current: {0}/{1} == LeftEncoding == Left encoding == RightEncoding == Right encoding == DifferencesWindowTitle == Differences == AutomaticConflictChunk1 == Current conflict is == AutomaticConflictChunk2 == automatic == AutomaticConflictChunk3 == . No user intervention is required. == SolvedConflictChunk1 == Current conflict is == SolvedConflictChunk2 == non-automatic == SolvedConflictChunk3 == , and it has been already == SolvedConflictChunk4 == resolved == SolvedConflictChunk5 == by the user. == NonAutomaticConflictChunk1 == Current conflict is == NonAutomaticConflictChunk2 == non-automatic == NonAutomaticConflictChunk3 == . Resolve it by clicking the buttons above, editing the result file or marking it as resolved. == PatternNotFound == Pattern not found == PreviousSearchButtonTooltip == Search previous match == NextSearchButtonTooltip == Search next match == UnexpectedError == An unexpected error has occurred. == GoToLineMenuItem == Go to line... == AddDiffSelectionMenuItem == Add diff selection == DiffWithPreviousSelectionMenuItem == Diff with previous selection == FindMenuItem == Find... == FindNextMenuItem == Find next == FirstSelection == First selection == SecondSelection == Second selection == SemanticDiffMovedCode == Diff moved code... == SemanticGoToMovedCode == Go to moved code == SemanticDiffChangedCode == Diff changed code... == SyncMovedCode == Sync moved code on top == UnsyncMovedCode == Restore scroll position == OutliningMenu == Outlining == CollapseRegionsWithoutDiffsMenu == Collapse regions without diffs == CollapseToDefinitionsMenu == Collapse to definitions == ExpandAllMenu == Expand all == Merged == Merged == LoadingAnnotations == Loading annotations... == AnnotateLineInfoChangeset == Changeset == AnnotateLineInfoTimeStamp == Creation date == AnnotateLineInfoOwner == Owner == AnnotateLineInfoComments == Comments == AnnotateColorByAuthor == Color by author == AnnotateColorByDate == Color by date == AnnotateContextMenu == Annotate == AnnotateShowAuthor == Show author == AnnotateShowBranch == Show branch == AnnotateShowChangeInMerge == Show whether line was changed in a merge == AnnotateShowChangeset == Show changeset == AnnotateShowDateModified == Show date modified == AnnotateShowLineAge == Show line age == BigFileMessage == The file is quite big. Calculating differences could take a while. Click the button if you really want to calculate the differences for this file. == CalculateDifferencesButton == Calculate differences == BigFileContentsMessage == The file is quite big. Showing the content could take a while. Click the button if you really want to show the content for this file. == ShowContentButton == Show content == BranchChanges == Branch changes == BranchChangesTooltip == Highlight changes done in the branch == ConflictChanges == Conflict changes == ConflictChangesTooltip == Highlight changes with conflicts that the user solved during the merge == MergedChanges == Merged changes == MergedChangesTooltip == Highlight changes coming from a merge == CaseSensitiveCheckBox == Match case == ColorsConfigurationMenuItem == Configure fonts and colors... == ComparisonMethodMenuItem == Comparison method == ComparisonMethodIgnoreEolMenuItem == Ignore EOL == ComparisonMethodIgnoreWhitespacesMenuItem == Ignore whitespaces == ComparisonMethodIgnoreEolWhitespacesMenuItem == Ignore EOL and whitespaces == ComparisonMethodRecognizeAllMenuItem == Recognize all == Content == Content of {0} == CopyToClipboard == Copy to clipboard == DiffWaitingAnimation == Calculating differences... == ContentWaitingAnimation == Calculating contents to show... == DiscardButton == Discard == DiscardButtonTooltip == Discard changes == EditorOptions == Editor options == EditorOptionsConvertTabsToSpaces == Convert tabs to spaces while editing == EditorOptionsWhistespaces == View whitespaces == EditorOptionsTabs == Tabs == EditorOptionsTabsSpacesNumber == {0} spaces == EditorOptionsColumnGuides == Column guides == EditorOptionsColumnsNumber == {0} columns == EditorOptionsBorderLines == View border lines for unselected regions == EncodingDifferences == Encoding changed from {0} to {1}. == FsProtectionDifferences == Filesystem permissions changed from {0} to {1} == UnableCalculateDiffs == Unable to calculate the differences. == HideUnchanged == hide unchanged == HideUnchangedTooltip == show changed declarations only == ShowUnchanged == show unchanged == ShowUnchangedTooltip == show the complete file trees, so you can check every declaration == GroupUnchanged == group unchanged == GroupUnchangedTooltip == show changed declarations grouping the rest of the declarations into an single, unchanged one == ZoomIn == zoom in == ZoomInTooltip == zoom in on the graphic - you can also use the scroll wheel while holding the control key pressed == ZoomOut == zoom out == ZoomOutTooltip == zoom out on the graphic - you can also use the scroll wheel while holding the control key pressed == ErrorSavingFile == An error occured saving the file: {0} == Find == Find: == FindCloseButtonTooltip == Close search bar == FindPreviousButtonTooltip == Search previous match == FindNextButtonTooltip == Search next match == MovedDetectionMenuItem == Moved detection == MovedDetectionDialogMenuItem == Moved detection... == EnableMoveDetectionMenuItem == Enable moved detection == MoveDetectionRatio == Move detection ratio == MinimumLinesInDifference == Minimum lines in difference == MaximizeButtonLeftTooltip == Maximize left panel == MaximizeButtonRightTooltip == Maximize right panel == RestoreButtonLeftTooltip == Restore left panel == RestoreButtonRightTooltip == Restore right panel == OutliningPreferencesTitle == Outlining preferences == OutliningPreferencesCaption == Outlining preferences == OutliningPreferencesDetails == Select your preferred outlining mode when a file loads == OutliningPreferencesExplanation == After a file is loaded, use the following outlining mode: == OutliningPreferencesCollapseWithoutDiffs == Collapse regions without differences == OutliningPreferencesCollapseToDefinitions == Collapse to definitions == OutliningPreferencesExpandAll == Expand all == NavigationTooltip == Go to moved fragment == XDiffTooltip == Show differences of moved fragment side by side == XDiffFragment == [fragment] == FontsAndColorsMenuItem == Fonts and colors == FontDoesNotSupportStrikeout == The font {0} does not support the strikeout style, used by the application. Please choose other font. == ChangeFontMenuItem == Change font... == LeftDiffColorMenuItem == Left diff color == RightDiffColorMenuItem == Right diff color == RestoreDefaultsMenuItem == Restore defaults == FilesIdentical == Files are identical. == AddDiffSelection == Add diff selection == DiffWithPreviousSelection == Diff with previous selection == DiffSourceWithBase == Diff base with source contributor == DiffDestinationWithBase == Diff base with destination contributor == DiffDestinationWithSource == Diff source with destination contributor == Encoding == Encoding == FontMenuItem == Font == DuplicatedArg == Duplicated argument {0}. == MergeTypeError == {0} isn't a valid merge resolution type == MergeExplanation == This option launches a 3 - way merge tool, involving base, source and destination files.You'll be able to save the result to another file. == DifferencesExplanation == This option launches a visual text file differencing tool.Please select two files to see textual differences between them. == XMergeNoChanges == Xmerge result is empty.No changes will be performed. == XMergeConfirmationMessage == Xmerge result will replace your selection, and the not automatic conflict will be discarded. Do you want to continue? == SourceDesc == source (code you are merging) == SourceLoc == in the source == DestinationDesc == destination (your working copy) == DestinationLoc == in the destination == HowXMergeFormat == You have a merge conflict but the {0} is not there anymore. What has happened? Most likely one developer has moved a piece of code ({1}) and another developer has modified that piece of code in the original location ({2}). == UnauthorizedAccessFile == File '{0}' cannot be saved because you don't have permission. You can save the file in another path. == AutomaticConflictMarkup1 == Current conflict is == AutomaticConflictMarkup2 == automatic == AutomaticConflictMarkup3 == . No user intervention is required. == SolvedConflictMarkup1 == Current conflict is == SolvedConflictMarkup2 == non-automatic == SolvedConflictMarkup3 == , and it has been already == SolvedConflictMarkup4 == resolved == SolvedConflictMarkup5 == by the user. == NonAutomaticConflictMarkup1 == Current conflict is == NonAutomaticConflictMarkup2 == non-automatic == NonAutomaticConflictMarkup3 == . Resolve it by clicking the buttons above, editing the result file or marking it as resolved. == MarkAsResolvedExplanation == Select the contributors that should go to the result file using thee buttons below (source, base or destination). Or, if the suggested result is already good, click \"Mark as resolved\" == SourceFileName == Source file: {0} == BaseFileName == Base file: {0} == DestinationFileName == Destination file: {0} == RestoreButtonSrcTooltip == Restore src panel == RestoreButtonBaseTooltip == Restore base panel == RestoreButtonDstTooltip == Restore dst panel == RestoreButtonResultTooltip == Restore result panel == MaximizeButtonSrcTooltip == Maximize src panel == MaximizeButtonBaseTooltip == Maximize base panel == MaximizeButtonDstTooltip == Maximize dst panel == MaximizeButtonResultTooltip == Maximize result panel == PendingNonAutomatic == Pending to solve: {0}/{1} == PreviousConflictButtonTooltip == Previous conflict(Ctrl+-) == PreviousUnsolvedConflictButtonTooltip == Previous not automatic conflict (Ctrl+PageUp) == NextUnsolvedConflictButtonTooltip == Next not automatic conflict (Ctrl+PagDown) == OptionsButton == Options == BaseEncodingMenuItem == Base encoding == SrcEncodingMenuItem == Source encoding == DstEncodingMenuItem == Destination encoding == ResultEncodingMenuItem == Result encoding == SplitMenuItem == Split conflict blocks == XmergeButton == XMerge... == XmergeButtonTooltip == Launch XMerge wizard == XmergeMenuItem == XMerge... == XmergeNoTextSelected == There is no text selected. Can't perform Xmerge. == XmergeNotEnoughInfo == Not enough information to perform XMerge == XmergeRemovedTextSelected == The selected lines are removed. They are not valid as Xmerge selection. == XmergeStartTip == This window shows the moved and the modifed code fragments. The moved code is on the {0} ({1}). On the {2} ({3}) the modified code before it was moved.Solve the remaining manual conflicts and click on \"Save & Exit\". == UnsolvedPendingConflicts == The file still has {0} unsolved conflicts. == ChangedFile == The file has been changed since it was last saved. == MergeWaitingAnimation == Calculating conflicts. Please wait... == SaveAsButton == Save as... == SaveBaseContributor == Keep base contributor & exit == SaveDstContributor == Keep destination contributor & exit == SaveSrcContributor == Keep source contributor & exit == ExtraInfoButton == Info about this merge == ExtraInfoButtonTooltip == Show the info about this merge in a panel == Left == left == Right == right == SourceContributor == source contributor == DestinationContributor == destination contributor == MovedCode == Moved piece of code. == ModifiedCode == Modified piece of code in the original location. == OriginalCode == Original piece of code. == ResultFile == Result file == AnnotateOptions == Annotate options == Copy == Copy == Cut == Cut == Paste == Paste == SelectAll == Select all == FileTooLargeToDisplay == File is too large to display content.